The Learn to Read course is designed for young children. Very young children love to be read to, and they love to read.
I have done a fair amount of research to decide how I wanted to teach my children to read. My method of teaching children how to read is varied. I believe strongly in teaching children how to read as soon as they express interest in it. A child does not have a high level of patience. Teaching the child how to read one or two words at a time will satisfy the child's desire without overwhelming their ability.
Reading at this age involves a lot of repetition. When teaching colors, parents quiz on the color many times. Eventually, the child knows the name of the color on sight. This is the idea behind teaching sight words. Knowing sight words isn't enough.
Phonics generally includes:
Ear training
Tongue training
Eye training
Word building
Children need to learn phonics, preferably early in their education, for them to be successful readers. Once phonics is mastered, children can read pretty much anything.
Some educators advocate teaching phonemes and letter sounds without true familiarity with the alphabet. The use of sounds are introduced by use (such as mmmmmm first). Many parents sabotage this method by teaching their children the ABCs. Some educators prefer teaching children whole words, such as sight words.
I see value to all of these, so I prefer a mixed method. Children are taught words, phonics, and alphabet in bit size lessons to build mastery and satisfy the child's desire to learn.