Showing posts with label assistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assistance. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

A Short Reading Lesson

 Learning how to read is important, but the lessons do not have to be complicated. Some reading lessons can consist of the child being read to. Some lessons can consist of the child reading. Some lessons can include phonics. Some lessons can include games. 

Variety in lessons keeps them from getting boring. Consistency in reading to and with the child is more important than following the same lesson structure every time.

Children who are learning to read can be taught phonemic awareness by sounding out words. There are two ways to do this. Children can sound out words by decoding them or reading them. They can also sound out words orally. We frequently play games that involve sounding out words. 


In this short video, we demonstrate a short reading lesson. 

First, we practice sounding out words. 

Second, we practice letter familiarity. 

Third, we discuss the pictures. 

Fourth, we look at the words. 

A more in-depth reading lesson would include a phonics lesson, recitation of the sounds and words in the lesson, and copy work in addition to the above steps. 

The child's voice in these videos belongs to my child who turned five in August. 

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Links of Interest: 

McGuffey's First Reader: 

Flashcards and Letter Tiles: 

My Blog: 

My TpT Storefront:

Friday, November 19, 2021

CLEPS and Direct Credit Resources

 So, a few days ago I mentioned that I have discovered a few resources for CLEP exams. 

CLEP exams can cover most of the material taken in the first semester or two in college, saving money and allowing you to get into the "fun" courses sooner.  At the moment, CLEP exams cost around $85/exam plus proctoring. CLEP exams can be taken from home using remote proctoring

According to the website, about 2900 colleges accept some or all of the CLEP exams. Before starting your CLEP journey, speak with the admission office at your college or perspective college so you know how many credits you can CLEP and which classes are accepted. 

There are a plethora of free resources to learn the material on the CLEP tests. One example is a full college algebra course on YouTube.

Khan Academy has numerous videos appropriate for the college-level. They have arts and humanities, mathematics, social sciences, science, economics, and computing videos and courses. They also have social skills and career development help. 

Saylor Academy has free resources that can be used to study for CLEPS, or if your school recognizes Saylor Academy's direct credit, you can get credit for very low cost. Saylor has arts, humanities, business, science, social science, and mathematics courses. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

My Official Political Stance

Sometimes I read the news or friends’ statuses on Facebook and wonder why there seems to be such a disconnect between what people say...and what they mean....or what they do.

I am not a very political person. Politics bother me because invariably the rhetoric is empty and poor logic is found. I have a great love for logic. I need the world to make sense. When I have commented on politics, it has always been from this need. This desire to understand. After all, the philosopher states that the nature of Man is to know. On occasion, I will read a particularly heinous example of poor logic and I am almost compelled to comment.

Facebook had me pegged as very conservative. Politically, I am not very conservative. Personally, I wouldn’t say conservative. I live a simple, minimalist, and happy life.  I am a moderate. I believe in appropriate and swift penalties for breaking the law, but I think governments should stay out of personal lives. I think that true socialism is unsustainable, but I hold entities, such as Medicaid and Financial Assistance, as necessary. I value the success of capitalism, but I believe the successful should share their success through their generosity. I am very moderate in most things. Why? Because I am not a “conservative”. I am a conservationist - I believe in building foundations first, but applying interventions if necessary.

The second thing that gets me to comment is disrespect or disregard for life. I am a conservationist. My educational background is biology. I am also a Catholic and I believe in the sanctity of human life. It makes my blood boil when I see a disregard for the state of the environment. I loathe the aftermath of protests because of all the trash left behind. It makes me sick to hear of unnecessary loss of life for animals and habitats. Ecosystems are vital to survival. And it deeply wounds my heart when I hear or read of the disrespect of persons.

Race, creed, birth status (born or developing), citizenship, immigration status, job, socioeconomic background, education, mental health, physical health, birth defects, etc. - these all deserve respect. By their very nature, they deserve respect. They deserve the chance of happiness. They deserve dignity. The tiniest fetus. The oldest person in the world. The brilliant mathematician. The disabled adolescent. They deserve respect.

I am an advocate. I give back. I do not judge. I care about the world and everything and everyone in it. My official political position is this: Who can judge the value of life?

"Pretend" and the Sad Lack of Imagination

       A few years ago, I worked as a teaching assistant at a small private school.  Periodically, I was asked to go into the Preschool or t...