Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Primary sounds for M, A, N, S, E, and T

 Happy Thanksgiving. 

My five-year-old asked me if we were going to record a video today. I said, "Sure!" He was a little tired, but he was so excited to record our video. 

We have done these lessons several times. We will continue to review previous phonics lessons as we continue on our journey to learning how to read. Repetition builds confidence. 

At the bottom of the page, Ms. Akin wrote notes to the teacher. These are brief notes. They include the recommendation to go over these foundational parts slowly.  We are building masterful readers. Our goal is not to have our five year olds reading at a 3rd grade reading level. Our goal is to build a strong phonetic foundation so that our children can learn to read well. 

Phonics helps to decode the patterns of language. Once a child can decode words, the child can begin to work on comprehension and understanding. Follow Ms. Akin's advice: lay the foundation well. 

A quick phonics lesson for the primary sounds of M, A, N, S, E, and T. 

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 Links of Interest: 

Florence Akin's Word Mastery Course: 

Flashcards and Letter Tiles: 

My Blog: 

My TpT Storefront:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Teaching Reading Philosophy

 The Learn to Read course is designed for young children.  Very young children love to be read to, and they love to read. 

I have done a fair amount of research to decide how I wanted to teach my children to read.  My method of teaching children how to read is varied.  I believe strongly in teaching children how to read as soon as they express interest in it.  A child does not have a high level of patience.  Teaching the child how to read one or two words at a time will satisfy the child's desire without overwhelming their ability.  

Reading at this age involves a lot of repetition.  When teaching colors, parents quiz on the color many times.  Eventually, the child knows the name of the color on sight.  This is the idea behind teaching sight words.  Knowing sight words isn't enough.  

Phonics generally includes: 

Ear training

Tongue training

Eye training

Word building


Children need to learn phonics, preferably early in their education, for them to be successful readers. Once phonics is mastered, children can read pretty much anything. 

Some educators advocate teaching phonemes and letter sounds without true familiarity with the alphabet.  The use of sounds are introduced by use (such as mmmmmm first).  Many parents sabotage this method by teaching their children the ABCs.  Some educators prefer teaching children whole words, such as sight words. 

I see value to all of these, so I prefer a mixed method.  Children are taught words, phonics, and alphabet in bit size lessons to build mastery and satisfy the child's desire to learn. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Meditation - Should I Be Doing That?

What is meditation? Meditation is a valuable tool.  Should I be doing that? Simple put, yes.

Meditation is a tool for self-care, prayer, and coping.
Whether in pain, anxious, depressed - meditation is a common recommendation.  When faced with an important decision, meditation is recommended.  Meditation is recommended for athletes, students, professionals, and religious.  Meditation is recommended by therapists, nurses, doctors, homoeopathic practitioners, priests, nuns, spiritual directors, and life coaches.  The catch is: meditation may mean different things to different people.

Arguably there are two types of meditation: prayerful and self-care.  There is, of course, some crossover in these.  Praying can contribute to self-care.  Self-care may include praying.  The purpose is different.  Prayerful meditation should be focused on God.  Self-care meditation can have a variety of focuses.
Prayerful meditation can be guided or unguided.  Guided meditation may follow a rule, such as the Ignatian or Carmelite method.  It might be as simple as placing oneself in the presence of God.  It may be more complicated, like analyzing a prayer line by line.  The Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy are also guided meditations.

Unguided meditation involves praying more freely with the intent of "being still" and "knowing that" He is God.  This may be simply sitting in the presence of God's creation.  The moments of awe can be unguided meditation.

Self-care meditation can have many purposes.  It could be to improve a mood, cope with emotions, conquer a problem, and look toward the future.  Meditation can be used for weight loss, pain control in labor, and coping with mental health concerns.  Meditation can be used to learn new things and process things learned.  Meditation can be used to balance work and life.  It can be used to prioritize.

Guided meditation, which can be called self-hypnosis, involves relaxing and holding an image in your mind.  This is often done with the help of another person who guides the meditation, such as a nurse.  This can be done with recordings.  It can also be done alone.  The setting must be relaxing.  The image must be positive.  Breathing must be rhythmic.

Unguided meditation can be used as a coping mechanism used in any situation.  It involves deep breathing and banishing thoughts for a minute or two.  It can be used in the instant.

This is not intended to teach meditation; rather, just to mention it.  I am currently listening to a podcast on happiness meditation.  It is interesting to hear different methods of meditation.  If you are not meditating, it might be what you need to find a meaningful, happy work-life balance.

"Pretend" and the Sad Lack of Imagination

       A few years ago, I worked as a teaching assistant at a small private school.  Periodically, I was asked to go into the Preschool or t...