Showing posts with label Liturgical Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liturgical Living. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Ascension Thursday

 The feast of the Ascension is celebrated forty days after the Resurrection.  The Ascension took place on the Mount of Olives with the Apostles and many of the Disciples present. Our Lord ascended into Heaven, body and soul, in full glory. 






In Ascensione Domini

The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven

My Catholic Faith Book: Lesson 37 (pg. 74-75) The Ascension

Mark 16:14-20

The Ascension Pull Craft from the Catholic Playground

Around the Liturgical Year with the Von Trapp Family (pg. 120-122) describes what the Von Trapp Family did in the Novena, or Nine Days, between the Ascension and Pentecost. 

The Ascension is remembered in the sixth article of the Apostles' Creed. Christ ascended into heaven to enter into His Glory, to send the Holy Ghost upon His Church, to serve as the intercessor with the Father, and to prepare a place for us in Heaven (My Catholic Faith, pg. 75). After the ascension took place, the first novena, or nine days of prayer, was completed by the Apostles. While waiting for the descent of the Holy Ghost, the apostles prayed.  We can imitate their prayers by living a novena of prayer of study. 

One such novena is discussed in the book, Around the Liturgical Year with the Von Trapp Family, where the family studied the gifts and fruits of the Holy Ghost. The links below will lead you to sections of the Summa or other sources for further study. 

Day 1. Knowledge

Day 2. Understanding

Day 3. Counsel

Day 4. Fortitude 

Day 5. Piety

Day 6. Fear of the Lord

Day 7. Wisdom

Day 8. Love, Peace, Joy (see Gal. 5:22-23)

Day 9. Meditation on the Veni, Sancte Spiritus and the Veni, Creator Spiritus

"Pretend" and the Sad Lack of Imagination

       A few years ago, I worked as a teaching assistant at a small private school.  Periodically, I was asked to go into the Preschool or t...