Showing posts with label how. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

A Short Reading Lesson

 Learning how to read is important, but the lessons do not have to be complicated. Some reading lessons can consist of the child being read to. Some lessons can consist of the child reading. Some lessons can include phonics. Some lessons can include games. 

Variety in lessons keeps them from getting boring. Consistency in reading to and with the child is more important than following the same lesson structure every time.

Children who are learning to read can be taught phonemic awareness by sounding out words. There are two ways to do this. Children can sound out words by decoding them or reading them. They can also sound out words orally. We frequently play games that involve sounding out words. 


In this short video, we demonstrate a short reading lesson. 

First, we practice sounding out words. 

Second, we practice letter familiarity. 

Third, we discuss the pictures. 

Fourth, we look at the words. 

A more in-depth reading lesson would include a phonics lesson, recitation of the sounds and words in the lesson, and copy work in addition to the above steps. 

The child's voice in these videos belongs to my child who turned five in August. 

Like and Subscribe! 

Links of Interest: 

McGuffey's First Reader: 

Flashcards and Letter Tiles: 

My Blog: 

My TpT Storefront:

Monday, November 15, 2021

New YouTube Phonics and Reading Series

Phonics is a foundational step to reading and speech. With an emphasis on sight words and reading early, phonics is sometimes neglected inadvertently or deliberately. 

I am teaching my five-year-old how to read. And, before I actually started - I was secretly terrified that I would fail him. But, after hours of research, I decided to use older books to teach him to read. 

After much debate and comparison of programs, I decided that the more simple my program for reading, the better. I wanted to make sure that he would be ready. I also wanted to make sure that my method of teaching would not be depended on a single methodology, book, or font. 

Many people will tell you that an app will teach your child to read. A program. A book. These might help, but I wager that reading is not a one-size fits all endeavor. Some children will learn faster than others. For some children, 100 Easy Lessons will be perfect. For other children, it might be a disaster. This new series will have step-by-step lessons designed to teach children and adults how to read using free materials and resources.

Phonics is an important foundational part of reading. In this video, I introduce Word Mastery by Florence Akin as an independent or supplementary phonics program. In subsequent videos, we will learn how to read using McGuffey's Readers and Akin's Word Mastery. 
Like and Subscribe! 
Links of Interest: Memoria Press: Reading and Phonics Set: Florence Akin's Word Mastery Course: 
E. Louise Smythe's Primary Reader: 

Friday, July 23, 2021

School Schedule

I believe that many parents who are choosing to homeschool wonder how to schedule, how to keep records, and how to time their days.  Though I am just a novice homeschool parent, I have been a teacher for years.  I am going to try to share what works and what doesn't in this blog.  

My student information: 

LO, boy, 5 years old, K-1 (Schola Rosa has their K-6 program broken into K-1, 2-3, and 4-6 levels). 

MT, girl, 3 years old, PreK

CP, boy, 1 years old, Nursery

The tricky part here will be to educate the school age child while managing the other two children.  My plan is to include the 3 year old in as much learning as she is willing to participate in while having the baby set up to play with activities (sensory, crafts, blocks,etc).  My hope is that the 3 year old will float between learning and playing.  

It might be because I have managed classrooms with multiple levels, or it might be because I was homeschooled myself, but I am not afraid of teaching with toddler's underfoot.  Nor am I concerned about teaching multiple levels later.  We will see if my tone changes in a few weeks. 

For the actual subjects, my children have been learning Spanish since birth, so this will continue. We will be following the Schola Rosa subjects: Art, Classically Catholic Memory (Recitation in other school programs), History, Language Arts, Latin, Mathematics, Reading, Religion, Science, and Virtue.  We will be using Under the Home for additional enrichment, as desired.  

The bulk of school will be in the mornings.  Our family does have a reading time in the evening where mommy and daddy will read a few books to the children before family rosary.  I plan to use that evening time to read for pleasure books whenever possible.

Our daily schedule looks like this:

*Morning Gathering - Prayers, Calendar, Weather, Memory Work

*Phonics Block 1: Pre-K Phonics - Alphabet awareness, Letter sounds, Handwriting practice

*Latin, Religion, and Virtue - Latin, Bible, Religion, Virtue 

*Snack Break - Outside picnic when weather permits

*Nature Study - Directed nature study, Geography lessons, Free play, Gardening

*Mathematics - Counting, Facts drill, Lesson from Ray's Arithmetic series, Abacus practice, Chapter from Life of Fred, Notebooking

*History - History lessons and activities, Mapwork, Interactive notebooking

*Phonics Block 2: Phonics lessons from Word Mastery, Reading lessons from McGuffey

*Science - Science lessons, activities, and videos

*Wiggle Break! Exercise or play outside

*Language Arts - Picture Study, Narrations and Illustrations, Poetry, Prose, and Read aloud

*Languages - Spanish lessons and videos

*Enrichment - Art, music, crafts, projects, library, adventures

We keep lessons short. No more than 20 minutes on any subject. We take breaks when and if we need. If something does not work in a lesson, we reschedule it or omit it. When the younger children are fussy, we pause. 

Our school days can vary in time from an hour to four hours. It depends on attention spans, including mine, our week as a whole, and what needs to be done. We are usually done by lunch at the latest. Once the little ones take a nap, my oldest decides if he wants to stay and read or if he wants to nap. 

 So far it is working nicely. 

"Pretend" and the Sad Lack of Imagination

       A few years ago, I worked as a teaching assistant at a small private school.  Periodically, I was asked to go into the Preschool or t...